Words What i think
- Tools Is an instrument
- Technology Internet and cell phone
- Cyborg A combination of man and machine
- an implement, esp. one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
- any instrument of manual operation.
- the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
- a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
- (in science fiction) a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts
- cybernetic organism
- person who allows himself to be used.
- accessory, aaccomplice, agent, auxiliary, chump, creature, dupe, easy mark, figurehead, flunky, go-between, greenhorn, hireling, idiot, intermediary, jackal, lackey, mark*, medium, messenger, minion, patsy, pawn, peon, puppet, stooge, stool pigeon, sucker
- electronics, science.
- applied science, automation, computers, electronic components, hi tech, high tech, industrial science, machinery, mechanics, mechanization, robotics, scientific know-how, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, telecommunications
- android, machine.
- automation, bionic person, cyborg , mechanical person
Listing of what technology i use every day
, computer- to do my work and talk to friends
, buss- use to go to school, family & friends
, i-pod- play music when on the road
, light- to see
, heater- keep me worm in my house and other place's
, conditioner- keep my house cool in summer
, car- to go out to different places
, TV - to look at when board not often
I think that my life would be horrible i can't think of living with out some of them like the TV an cell i can live with out but every things else i need in my life using the buss is an very important part of my life cause i hate walking for too long and i get really irritated easy. i-pod i leave the house with it all the time cause i can't talking some people on the buss and train talking or sinning. heater in the winter if would be hard to say worm an i hate the cold. conditioner- i can't live with out some time cause the heat get over bearing. car as i say i hate walking so if my bother is going the same way as me i make him drop me off and pick me up.
EXCELLENT brainstorming, but where is the blog that it was supposed to help you write?
ReplyDeleteBlog Series Evaluation 2:
ReplyDeleteThis blog series is missing 3 out of four blogs. My suggestion to you is that you keep trying to write as many of these as you can on time; the more you practice, the better your writing will become.
Also, consider working with some of the grammar and vocabulary programs linked to this blog.