Thursday, October 28, 2010

Environment #10

Why should people of color care about the environment? Cause people of color have a historic bond with the environment.  People of color live in environment that are toxic and cause serve health problem, and do not have medical access in the city. They don’t have the same access to the food that is healthy and supermarket. Katrina is the best example of environment racism poor people  not been able to get to supermarket. People of color all so have a lack of park space.

My response
People of color are under minding the important fact that eating healthy and been in and healthy environments are good in close areas. Eating healthy is good in many ways and not been able to get to supermarket are affecting the fact that many of color people are getting sick and are dieing early, cause of color people are poor it is affecting them cause they do not have cars to go to supermarket an get healthy food like green and vegetable example are apple, pies and other good, the store that are close are using this to their advantage by rising the price and some of the goods are not even good.^. Healthy environment are good but in the place of color people and other minorities that is not the case in that there are a lack of space in cities and the parks that they do have are not big in that people may have more space to exercise because exercise are good for us and make us healthy an most important our children to grow up in. This fact may lead to breading problems like bronchitis.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The meatrix # 9

the meatrix
              In the meatrix the creators are introducing what and were our food comes from and why it is bad.  In the 20th century the agricultural corporation starts factory farming. Factory farming is where the animal are pack in a tight space. These animal never even seen sunlight or bread fresh air and most of them can even move.  In these factories farming cause of the compact small area the animal fight and can contract illness, to prevent the animal from fighting the factory start to cut off the beak of the animal to stop them from killing each other. Another point that creators are making other than animal cruelty is that they are adding chemicals to the animal diet to keep them alive such as a strong antibiotic, with can lead to antibiotic resistant germs.

The Meatrix Revolting
 In the Meatrix revolting they show you the pros and cons of where you’re milk and cheese come from. The cow in the dairy farms their tails are cut off cause of antibiotic overuse and most of them only move to the milking parlor and back, cause of this they become sick. These animal are all so been injected with growth hormones, to make them produce more in and shot period of time. The young animal are been feed milk replacement that is made up of the other cows that have died, they use blood which can spread disease like the mad cow disease. The meatrix all so tell you how to stop the factory farming and how to prevent more by supporting the small and natural farms.
The Meatrix II 1/2
                The meatrix show you the horrible condition of the meat and the worker condition.  The process is moving so fast the worker are hurting their self. The worker may even cut them self and might have serious injuries like they might cut off their finger and other body parts. The meat condition are so bad that there are been contaminated by the manure from the cow intestine. The meatrix 2 ½  is tell in us the finish product that we buy in the store and the insanitary way it is process and the critical condition of the workers and food that we eat.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog #8

Jamel Blair
Doctor X

Is Life an Delusion?
Truman Syndrome is a delusion, Delusion is a fixed belief that is fake or fanciful, people who is convinced that their lives are a reality TV show. Joel Gold is a psychiatrist that studies the reason for the Truman Syndrome with his brother Ian Gold. Scientist says that delusion is influence by popular culture as TV and the Internet that can have on mental conditions as schizophrenia, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases.

I think that the Truman syndrome is an epidemic that have been around for many year for as long as humans have recoded in history. The roman empire many of it people strive on engineering and building. On the other hand a small part of it’s population think that their were gods and believed in the gods of nature like the sun, water and rain, they even had name for then such as the god of water  Neptune. The Truman syndrome was visible as far back as then and is now visible even in 1999 like the Truman show.

The director of the Truman show had an acting role in the movie, he play the god who created Truman world. In Truman’s world he had a God that he did not know existed.The movie Truman is also a good case of the Truman syndrome, in the movie Jim Carry play the star of the movie as Truman Burbank a man that is hold life is broadcast in a popular TV show that was involuntary. In the Truman show his entire family and friend were all actors and his seaside town was an TV sound stage. Truman had problem to sort out the real from the fake in his life There were many cases like the Truman show like the man profiled in the British journal as schizophrenia and was unable to work. Schizophrenia is the difficultly to tell the difference between real an unreal experiences. Gold said “that the Truman delusion are more common an involving not only to the a small community but a large society.” Gold all so ask is it just an new trend or an old grandiose delusion, or that it is real and we are in an reality show. In two or two an an half years Gold said “that he came in contact with five other patients with the same delusion related to the Truman TV show.” Gold and his brother who  is all so an psychologist too, started to study an observation of medical school in two thousand six soon after started to spread to different part of the medical circles the summer coming, their they lean about fifty more people with the similar symptoms. Joel and Ian Gold are starting to work on a scholarly paper together.

Delusions has a large branch to it like the belief that he or she is being persecuted or that they are involved with a bigger scram like the 1999 movie the matrix were we are in an invontorial reality show and we can’t get out this has been researched by Vaughan Bell another psychologist. Technology and popular culture can affect them too; as the web-cam or the Internet, like a patient in Austria believed that she has become a walking web-cam. These matters can show that the TV and Internet can make people in to intimates when they are not, cause of psychological pressure they cannot deal with from other people. An intimate is to make known especially publicly or formally/announce, this is why they think that their life are broadcast cause of purser from different stresses related like schizophrenia, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that usually strikes in late adolescence or early adulthood, but can strike at any time in life; Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, which affects more than one million Americans and Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Raissa: Blog Entry 2.3 Part II

Raissa: Blog Entry 2.3 Part II: I like this cause i do not want to go to war but i love playing game like this with my cousin. " Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Black Ops -Trailer Nowadays people want to ..."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Truman syndrome

In life imitates are as “Truman syndrome” digressed Dr. Joel gold said that within two years period, “he encounter fir patient with delusion related to reality TV. Several of them specifically mentioned the Truman show. The Truman show was one man who hold entire life have been broadcast so the hold world can see, it “was part of a phony, stage set would with him as the the involuntary star, like the 1918 movie the Truman show.
I do agree some people do think that their life is an reality show but I do not really think that it is to be said that most of the people of the world are delusional. Delusional is to believe false thing are action are real when they are not, it can be an very bad illnesses that can have various symptom like psychiatric illnesses, parkinou’s and Alzheimer diseases with is loss of memory. Delusional to the “Truman” is a much more of a Mooring swiftly and violently to involving not only some people but to a much more larger society at large.
Delusions have an broader categories like one belief that he or show is been afflict cause they think they are different in some way, research has shown that in many culture an technology may in fact affect them. According to the passage several recent studies have chronically delusion entwined related to the Internet, for an example a patient in Austria who had believed she has become a walking web cam.
A philosophy and psychology professor named  ion gold have researched these matter with his brother and come to the collusion that reality TV and the web can have the ability to make intimates from stranger and compound psychological pressure people that have underlying dealing with these problem, and can speed up these illnesses quicker in some people

Friday, October 15, 2010




   Is violent game an influence in the young children to day? Yes but No. Burn out is an game that tell you that it is ok to drive fast and to crash other car to win the game and the more you crash the other car you earn more respect. Yes aggression do cause violent in children and most car accident are related to violent games like burn out, but then No violent games do not cause all car cash in youth, cause if the child have an mental stability and a stable home that influence over children will not be cause the children would be able to tell what is real or not. I choose this because I love violent games and it does not make me want to go out and drive car like it is not tomorrow, the game is fun an most people like me love to do thing we know we really cant do in the real world that why I also thing that it is good to have video games but not to let it be mind consuming. 

      we now have out children in to computer an other technology like these new learning computers. These computers are from leapfrog - learning. these computer are teaching the young how to be efficient in the world of technology. The learning system are now more advance and is better than going to a preschool.  i love this cause i had one when i was small an it show me how to pick up on words more faster an all so show me some easy way how to do math & a little if French. It is an fun and easy way to get your child to have fun learing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

      Words                                           What i think                                        
  1. Tools                                    Is an   instrument
  2. Technology                           Internet and cell phone
  3. Cyborg                                 A combination of man and machine  
  1. an implement, esp. one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
  2. any instrument of manual operation.
  1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
  2. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
  1. (in science fiction) a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts
  2. cybernetic organism

  1. person who allows himself to be used.
  2. accessory, aaccomplice, agent, auxiliary, chump, creature, dupe, easy mark, figurehead, flunky, go-between, greenhorn, hireling, idiot, intermediary, jackal, lackey, mark*, medium, messenger, minion, patsy, pawn, peon, puppet, stooge, stool pigeon, sucker
  1. electronics, science.
  2. applied science, automation, computers, electronic components, hi tech, high tech, industrial science, machinery, mechanics, mechanization, robotics, scientific know-how, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, telecommunications
  1. android, machine.
  2. automation, bionic person, cyborg , mechanical person

Listing of what technology i use every day

, computer- to do my work and talk to friends
, buss- use to go to school, family & friends
, i-pod- play music when on the road
, light- to see
, heater- keep me worm in my house and other place's
, conditioner- keep my house cool in summer
, car- to go out to different places
, TV - to look at when board not often

I think that my life would be horrible i can't think of living with out some of them like the TV an cell i can live with out but every things else i need in my life using the buss is an very important part of my life cause i hate walking for too long  and i get really irritated easy. i-pod i leave the house with it all the time cause i can't talking some people on the buss and train talking or sinning. heater in the winter if would be hard to say worm an i hate the cold. conditioner- i can't live with out some time cause the heat get over bearing. car as i say i hate walking so if my bother is going the same way as me i make him drop me off and pick me up. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

       When Christof states that he could leave at any time he wants, I was thinking that it is man true nature to have strong desire to expand an move on to much bigger thing. In the world, this is what makes us human to have our distinct features and motivation to think and to have a free will. It might also might be hard to move on when we have to been accustom to one thing, to even think to move on. We some time think that we are in the world all by our self and all so proceed that the world we in is the really world when it is not.  

       By looking at Truman i think that he could of find out earlier if he did really wanted to cause in the movie he did try to go pass several point but every time he get closes he would just give up cause of some obstacle in his way and just forget about it, his eager or strong desire was not there. By meeting that girl _____ I think that bring out his true nature and cause him to want an planting thing in his head about far an distant places like fege.      

       Ambitions are one of the many traits that the human races have to ability to want more and to have dream. By havening ambition have made man to aspire to build an vast society that we have today. Ambition is another one of mans driving force to move on even when thing are not looking to good. I do believe that was what made Truman wanted an way out.

triumph or victory in finally finding out about the nature of his reality and the strong effort of the christof and the network having to say about my of free will in my own life is that we some time do not sue our free will an take it for granted and make other decide for us, we do not have an strong desire to move on cause I do the same thing right now i want to grow up but i all so do not want to cause I know by growing up i will have to move on out of my comfort zone an that is what Truman victory have to say about the role of freedom  in my life and really means.

my responce to the summery

Hey Giovanni i am jamel an i would like to say thanks for what you have to say and that i like what u had to say. you were right that i have many spelling and grammer errors. you say that the main idea was not stated clearly and so my qustion to you is was is the main idea and how can i beable to not only see the maine idea and how to find it and be able to respond to it. i see what you are sayiing about the summery is notin my own words i think i get what u are talking about i wold try next time to not quote directly from the text, and i will build up my sentence structure next time. i see that it is not a good idea to include my owne idea in the summery. ooohh yea i will be working on my spelling and grammer errors i hope that the next time you have to read sumething of mine that i will not only make the nessery correction an my summery an essay would be good think you very much jamel.