Friday, September 24, 2010

Lab # 1 answer 3 question

     I thing that fax new is given both fact and opinions. i know because many of these information were right and were in fact stated in several other Media and were broadcast so the hold world would be able to listen to these broadcast. all through some of these are opinion they did try to keep to some of truth for eg. the four flags were from Muslims nation. I think that cause of the impending fact that some of these muslims nation have indeed use nuclear in their war fear before, and also telling the world that these are nation and are dangerous in many way and may be able to reach out these nation. 


  1. Blog Series Evaluation 1:

    Overall, your blog entries for this series is fine. For the next series, I would like for you to 1) make sure you follow instructions correctly (the post you made in answer to the lab work was supposed to go in MY blog, under comments); 2) work on your grammar and vocabulary so that each post is as clear and lucid as possible.

  2. Hi my name is Giovanni Anthony Luciano the first
    My Blog is

    below are the comments and if its unreadable see attachment

    Hello Jamel ny name is Giovanni and I was assigned to read and comment on your summary, I hope it helps.
    Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated?
    The main idea of the passage is clearly and correctly stated though with many spelling and grammatical errors consider revising and I advise that you don’t copy and paste text directly from the reading that’s something you do not have to do when writing summaries

    Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully?
    The important supporting ideas are stated correctly and fully but they are not stated clearly, again due to a lot of grammatical errors for example
    ‘By use the prisoner as an example in that we humans have in prion out self in our own walls and ignore the truth an any one who have come to enlighten us are out cast and ridicule for example the prisoner who have been released out the the new world an seen their is more to life than show and the distinct feature to the shadow and the make fun of him and tell him that ever scene he went out to the light above he is not slow an he do not know any thing an he should go back to were he came from’ ^^ that was a runon sentence used as a paragraph please consider revising.

    Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded?
    You did not use any unimportant ideas which is very good though you did use your opinion it’s a summary not a response so there is no real need to express your opinion

    Is the summary in the writer’s own words?
    The summary was not in your own words because you copied a piece of text into your summary

    Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors?
    Your summary had many spelling and grammatical errors the style of your writing was very on point though, Kudos

    Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage?
    The summary does retain the sense of organization of the original passage which is very good

    Is personal opinion included in the summary?
    You did include your personal opinion which is not very necessary

  3. Hi my name is Giovanni Anthony Luciano the first
    My Blog is

    below are the comments and if its unreadable see attachment

    Hello Jamal ny name is Giovanni and I was assigned to read and comment on your summary, I hope it helps.
    Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated?
    The main idea of the passage is clearly and correctly stated though with many spelling and grammatical errors consider revising and I advise that you don’t copy and paste text directly from the reading that’s something you do not have to do when writing summaries

    Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully?
    The important supporting ideas are stated correctly and fully but they are not stated clearly, again due to a lot of grammatical errors for example
    ‘By use the prisoner as an example in that we humans have in prion out self in our own walls and ignore the truth an any one who have come to enlighten us are out cast and ridicule for example the prisoner who have been released out the the new world an seen their is more to life than show and the distinct feature to the shadow and the make fun of him and tell him that ever scene he went out to the light above he is not slow an he do not know any thing an he should go back to were he came from’ ^^ that was a runon sentence used as a paragraph please consider revising.

    Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded?
    You did not use any unimportant ideas which is very good though you did use your opinion it’s a summary not a response so there is no real need to express your opinion

    Is the summary in the writer’s own words?
    The summary was not in your own words because you copied a piece of text into your summary

    Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors?
    Your summary had many spelling and grammatical errors the style of your writing was very on point though, Kudos

    Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage?
    The summary does retain the sense of organization of the original passage which is very good

    Is personal opinion included in the summary?
    You did include your personal opinion which is not very necessary

  4. Hi my name is Giovanni Anthony Luciano the first
    My Blog is

    below are the comments and if its unreadable see attachment

    Hello Jamal ny name is Giovanni and I was assigned to read and comment on your summary, I hope it helps.
    Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated?
    The main idea of the passage is clearly and correctly stated though with many spelling and grammatical errors consider revising and I advise that you don’t copy and paste text directly from the reading that’s something you do not have to do when writing summaries

    Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully?
    The important supporting ideas are stated correctly and fully but they are not stated clearly, again due to a lot of grammatical errors for example
    ‘By use the prisoner as an example in that we humans have in prion out self in our own walls and ignore the truth an any one who have come to enlighten us are out cast and ridicule for example the prisoner who have been released out the the new world an seen their is more to life than show and the distinct feature to the shadow and the make fun of him and tell him that ever scene he went out to the light above he is not slow an he do not know any thing an he should go back to were he came from’ ^^ that was a runon sentence used as a paragraph please consider revising.

  5. Continued from the post before:

    Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded?
    You did not use any unimportant ideas which is very good though you did use your opinion it’s a summary not a response so there is no real need to express your opinion

    Is the summary in the writer’s own words?
    The summary was not in your own words because you copied a piece of text into your summary

    Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors?
    Your summary had many spelling and grammatical errors the style of your writing was very on point though, Kudos

    Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage?
    The summary does retain the sense of organization of the original passage which is very good

    Is personal opinion included in the summary?
    You did include your personal opinion which is not very necessary
