Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fast Food blog # 11

Fast food was made for the poor, their need for increasing cheap meals, stated a chain of fast food restaurant on a national scale. Poor inner-city are targeted more by stock portfolios in many Americans. Mc Donald’s sold about one out of four hamburgers to inner- city consumer whom is disproportionately are black young men.
I never realized that fast food was for the poor cheep needs for quick meals before I read this article. I think that fast food chains was made for people on the go that need something fast and cheap that taste good. Mc Donald’s is a good example of a fast food chain that in not only nationalize but spread to the most remote parts of the world like South Africa, Another example is burger king and burger king. By putting these fast food restaurant in these areas were children could get to them from school and on the way home have cause a increase in health related problem and the decrees in physical activity among the youth.  
Is fast food the cause of teenager activates to drop? According to the passage the same year that huge fast food meals arrived the same time which physical activity among teenager both boy and girls drops about half, by using this phrase “If we don’t recommend a supersize, the supersize is free!” and that it the children spend an extra seventy-nine cent for a cheeseburger, mall fries with a small coke will get an quote “cheeseburger plus a supersize coke (42 fluid onuses versus 16, with free refills) and a supersize order of French fries ( more than double the weight of the regular order). By the meals been supersize the increases of the normal calories from 680 to about 1,340 or more calories.
According to generous U.S dietary guideline the average teen are consuming about more than half the recommended calories  than they need, the extra calories are protein-poor and fat with rich carbohydrates with cause the decrees in teen physical activities.  


  1. Blog Series Evaluation 4: This blog series is missing Blog 8 (the original draft of the CATW you are revising in Google Docs) and Blog 12 (the response to Michael Pollan).

    Otherwise, your responses contain good observations but are sometimes hard to read because of spelling and word choice. In the short term, I recommend doing the exercises for word choice in Grammar Bytes (the link is on the right-hand side of my blog) or at

    In the long term, I recommend taking the Grammar and Syntax class either in the Fall 2 or the Spring 1. It will help to make your writing clearer.


    Hi my name is Gina and I'm taking a tutoring writing class this semester and am currently tutoring in the writing center. I want to give you some feed back on your blog on how you can work to improve this essay. I think that your essay has a very good base and that is very important when constructing a good essay. You used information with the text and explained it pretty well. I want to recommend somethings you should try to make habits when writing. I see that you tend to misuse certain words when trying to express a statement. When writing i think you should reread your sentences (this is super important) and see if the sentences are portraying what you intended on saying. Try playing with word combinations to see which one sounds best. I think you should also try to add a bit of your personal experience and knowledge within this essay and not make it just about the information you found in the passage. The essay would really turn out well if you just follow these little tips. Keep up the good work and im sure if you follow through with the advice it will turn out perfect! Good Luck!
