Friday, November 19, 2010

blog #17

      blogging have help me in many diffrent ways. some of these way are to make me pay more attain to what i am writing and to be able to express what i want to write on my paper with the different topic that was given to me. some of these topic are the meatrix and the cyborg.

     things i could have done better was to write more, use my personal experience more often. other way i could have done better is to work on my grammar and spelling much better by fearfully writing my work better. such as cwat 3 an 4. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

blog # 15

There is a few that I like about Grow NYC. Some of the things that I like are that there are nonprofit organizations that help small farmer out. They also present you with details of were a when you can go and find these places. They have a table that show you the time they harvest new crop and fresh seafood and when the food is in storage. Grow NYC in 20010 complete several projects that consist of building and development of parks, recreation and the New York council.   They also develop ways to have water to water the crops. They also have thing you can do like support them in their cause so I recommend that  you do support these group.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

blog # 14 What I Learn

1. Have key note
2. Organize me work
3. Need sold details in my writhing

Thing I that was said I all ready know but some of them were repeated like referring back to the passage, having do good strategy.

Make shore I am understanding the most important ideas in the reading

Think for what you have to say an I do like what you have to say. I do understand that I need to us the word right and to add a little of my own experience.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog # 12 Eating Better

The items and advise that make more sense to me is to stay away from unfamiliar foods, high-fructose corn syrup and to stay away from produce that make healthy food claims like Margarine that was to be good for your health. Shopping at the farmer’s market, cooking lot of plants or vegetables, plant a garden and eat slowly with the family. Things I could start to do now is eating with the family slowly, eat complete meals, be a smart shopper by looking for the fresh foods and fresh food market, to eating greens and to cut out fast food and junk food.  
Well from my experience not much seem farfetched or hard to me cause I do not really eat out a lot and I love to cook so it is ether my brother  or I cook but I think every once in a while we do eat out, so I think staying away from fast food may be a little difficult, and the margarine is kind of hard in itself too cause we love to eat bread and bread do have butter or margarine in it so I think you can limit the amount of margarine in your bread.
Getting out of the supermarket may be hard to do because it is very convenient to where I live. The supermarket plays a very important role not only in my life but in yours too, some people can’t really get to the good food cause of different reason may be not enough money or do not know better or what is in what there are buying. I depend on the supermarket too much due to my courant life style.   

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fast Food blog # 11

Fast food was made for the poor, their need for increasing cheap meals, stated a chain of fast food restaurant on a national scale. Poor inner-city are targeted more by stock portfolios in many Americans. Mc Donald’s sold about one out of four hamburgers to inner- city consumer whom is disproportionately are black young men.
I never realized that fast food was for the poor cheep needs for quick meals before I read this article. I think that fast food chains was made for people on the go that need something fast and cheap that taste good. Mc Donald’s is a good example of a fast food chain that in not only nationalize but spread to the most remote parts of the world like South Africa, Another example is burger king and burger king. By putting these fast food restaurant in these areas were children could get to them from school and on the way home have cause a increase in health related problem and the decrees in physical activity among the youth.  
Is fast food the cause of teenager activates to drop? According to the passage the same year that huge fast food meals arrived the same time which physical activity among teenager both boy and girls drops about half, by using this phrase “If we don’t recommend a supersize, the supersize is free!” and that it the children spend an extra seventy-nine cent for a cheeseburger, mall fries with a small coke will get an quote “cheeseburger plus a supersize coke (42 fluid onuses versus 16, with free refills) and a supersize order of French fries ( more than double the weight of the regular order). By the meals been supersize the increases of the normal calories from 680 to about 1,340 or more calories.
According to generous U.S dietary guideline the average teen are consuming about more than half the recommended calories  than they need, the extra calories are protein-poor and fat with rich carbohydrates with cause the decrees in teen physical activities.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Goal: The Cyborg Advantage

1 evaluationGoal: The Cyborg Advantage: "The Cyborg Advantage is an article which makes the point that between the power of human mind and that of machines is a force which when p..."